Wednesday 27 February 2013

Create Beautiful Molded Candy

Christmas is coming and you're all out of great ideas for gifts. It's hard isn't it? Every year coming up with something fresh for a gift idea? Want a great gift idea that just about anyone will love? Homemade candy.

Just about everyone loves candy, especially kids. And anyone who loves candy will really love home made candy. Because home made candy is made with love, and is special. Anyone can head down to the candy shop and grab some candy, get it wrapped and in 5 minutes you've got a gift all worked out.

But anyone who goes to the effort of making candy is making it for someone special. It takes time and effort to get into the kitchen, find a great recipe and make your own. So if you've invested the time and effort in making candy for someone special, or for a number of special people, they know you've made it as a special gift.

And it isn't hard to make if you choose the right recipe. Home made candy recipes aren't hard to find, and it's perfectly possible for a beginner to candy making to make some great looking and great tasting candies.

But you need to start with some good Recipes. if you haven't made candy at home before. There are some extremely simple home made candy recipes available, and if you're confident following simple instructions you'll be making great candy in no time at all.

That's not to say, of course, that all homemade candy is easy to make. Some candies are quite complex for the beginner, especially those involving a syrup. A syrup is water and sugar that is simmered to a particular temperature. The temperature you need varies with the outcome you want to produce, and sometimes it's easy to get it wrong. And that could ruin the candy.

So if you're new to candy making start with some simple home made candy recipes, and start well before Christmas so that you can have some time to perfect your technique.

And if you're out to make a great Christmas gift why not make that special person a complete candy gift basket and demonstrate your candy making prowess. Make a selection of candies, find a lovely wicker basket and some cellophane, buy a nice bottle of wine or 3 and pack all those candies and other goodies into a gift basket. Very few people would be unhappy to get a Christmas gift like that.

So if you're a little stuck this year for a gift idea for Christmas why not try home made candy making. Find some great Homemade Candy Recipes, practice a little and you'll be making candy like a pro in no time.

Just make sure you don't eat too much of your own candy as you go!

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